> 文章列表 > 中国春节为什么贴春联英语



Why do we stick Spring Festival couplets in Chinese New Year?

Chinese New Year is a traditional festival in China that is rich in unique features. It symbolizes the beginning of a new year and is celebrated by Chinese people all over the world. One important tradition during this festival is the sticking of Spring Festival couplets, also known as \"chunlian\" in Chinese. But have you ever wondered why we stick Spring Festival couplets during Chinese New Year?

The tradition of sticking Spring Festival couplets dates back thousands of years and has its roots in Chinese culture and beliefs. The couplets are usually written on red paper and contain poetic phrases or wishes for the coming year. They are often hung on both sides of the main entrance of houses or other prominent locations. The purpose of sticking the couplets is to bring good luck, happiness, and prosperity to the household.

According to Chinese beliefs, red is a color that symbolizes happiness and good fortune. By hanging red Spring Festival couplets on the door, it is believed to ward off evil spirits and bring blessings to the family. The couplets themselves are carefully chosen and written in a way that reflects traditional Chinese values and wishes for the new year.

Furthermore, Spring Festival couplets also serve as a form of decoration and create a festive atmosphere during the Chinese New Year celebrations. The vibrant red color and the elegant calligraphy on the couplets add a touch of beauty and artistry to the surroundings. It is a way for people to express their joy and excitement for the upcoming year.

In addition to the cultural significance, sticking Spring Festival couplets has become a popular tradition among Chinese people. It is an activity that brings families together, as they gather to choose the couplets and paste them on the door. It is also a way for individuals to showcase their creativity and calligraphic skills.

In conclusion, the tradition of sticking Spring Festival couplets during Chinese New Year is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and beliefs. It is a way to bring good luck and blessings to the household, create a festive atmosphere, and promote family unity. So, next time you see Spring Festival couplets hanging on doors during Chinese New Year, you will know why they are there!